Lotus Radio Corp., KOZZ-FM, KDOT-FM, KWEE-FM, KTHX-FM, KPLY-AM, KHIT-AM and KFOY-AM, in Reno, Nevada provides broad outreach regarding job vacancies. We seek the help of local community organizations in referring qualified job candidates to our Company, and distributing information about job vacancies. If you are an interested community organization that wishes to receive job vacancy information:
Please submit your information in an email to lotusjobs@lotusradio.com, or fax to 775-327-9595, or by mail to:
Lotus Radio Corp.
Attn: Keri Baer
690 East Plumb Lane
Reno, NV 89502
If you have any questions, please contact Keri Baer at the above address or call 775-329-9261. If you know of any organizations, please forward this along. Lotus Radio Corp., KOZZ-FM, KDOT-FM, KWEE-FM, KTHX-FM, KPLY-AM, KHIT-AM and KFOY-AM is an Equal Opportunity Employer and we encourage qualified persons of any race, ethnicity, gender, religion, and age to apply for job vacancies.